Save electricity

10 Ways to Save Electricity and Avoid High Bills: Stop Being Suspicious of Your Neighbors!

Joselyn Gomulya
Joselyn Gomulya
June 13, 2024
10 Ways to Save Electricity and Avoid High Bills: Stop Being Suspicious of Your Neighbors!

Why are electricity bills still high? It feels like the lights are off every day. Shouldn't the neighbour's house be stealing electricity?

Are you wondering why your electricity bill is high, even when you don't use many electronic devices? Don't worry—it's not because your neighbour has stolen your electricity. Some habits hinder us from saving electricity.

Are you puzzled by your high electricity bill, even when you don't use many electronic devices? Don't worry, it's not because it's stolen from a neighbor. It's our habits that can hinder us from saving electricity, but we have the power to change them.

What Are the Habits of Saving Electricity?

The habit of saving electricity is the attitude of using electrical energy efficiently as needed and not wasting electricity. By adopting this habit, you are not only reducing your household spending but also taking a step towards a more sustainable future.

In addition to being free from dizziness, because electricity bills do not soar high, the rest of the money paid on electricity bills can be saved or used for other needs, such as monthly shopping. But do we fall into the wasteful category?

Examples of Wasteful Electricity Use That Can Cause Your Electricity Bills to Increase

Saving electricity can reduce comfort and pleasure. We should ask, 'Are we being wasteful, and do we need to save electricity?' FINETIKS makes it easy to compare the cost of electricity bills with the electronic tools you use and track the movement of bills each month.

If you've never really kept track of your electricity bill expenses, it's time to start. The FINETIKS personal finance management app is a handy tool that can help you record and monitor your costs. With it, you can set monthly budgets for your bills and even allocate funds for your shopping needs.

According to MinETIKS, saving electricity doesn't have to be a daunting task. In fact, it can be done gradually without sacrificing your comfort and pleasure. For example, you can create a simple schedule to save AC electricity once every 2 days.

You can run the air conditioner for 1-2 hours during the day, then gradually transition to using a fan based on your specific schedule. As you work on adopting more economical habits, also be mindful of wasteful electricity usage that can lead to high bills:

  1. Keeping the lights on during the day
  2. Work or academic demands, such as working from home, attending online school, or taking online courses
  3. Don't forget to unplug your smartphone charger often
  4. Not cautious when selecting electronic devices
  5. The habit of leaving the refrigerator door open
  6. Letting the TV continue playing
  7. Storing hot food in the refrigerator
  8. Unstable electrical conditions

In addition to the above, ensure the house is completed quickly and pay utility bills promptly. If you often forget, you can set monthly bill reminders in the FINETIKS financial management application, free and available via Google Play or App Store.

Advantages of the Power Saving Habit

When we adopt a frugal lifestyle, especially regarding electricity use, the most immediate benefit is a lower electricity bill. However, the advantages of saving electricity extend beyond financial savings.

Here are some of the benefits you will experience by saving electricity:

  1. Avoiding damage to electronics
  2. Prevent electrical damage
  3. Electronic goods and appliances are becoming increasingly durable
  4. Establish discipline, primarily if taught to children
  5. Life is more balanced because you don't spend a lot of time in front of the TV or smartphone

Building a habit of saving electricity helps you become more disciplined, especially when teaching these habits to children. They not only learn to save but also to be free from wasteful lifestyles.

Woman taking clothes from washing machine
Image by freepik

How to Save Electricity and Lower Monthly Bills

If the electricity bill increases and you want to save money, you can adjust the power usage of electronic devices based on their functions and utility. Additionally, consider purchasing energy-efficient electronics and other items:

  1. Connect Electrical Power As Needed

Take a look at your home's electrical power. Is it appropriate? Small households usually need 450VA to 900VA, while medium households usually require 900VA to 1300VA.

  1. Avoid Using Electricity at The Same Time

Remember to refrain from multitasking with electricity. It's not like multitasking in real life. Avoid using multiple high-energy devices simultaneously, such as air conditioning, TV, hairdryers, or microwaves.

  1. Unplug Power Flow Included Mobile Charger!

Who often leaves their mobile phone charger plugged into the outlet? My friends plug in their phones, printers, or dispensers.

The cord plugged in keeps electricity flowing through FinTERZ. We need to stop this habit to save on electricity bills!

  1. Consider LED Lights

Even though LED lamps are more expensive than regular lamps, they can save up to 90% compared to ordinary lamps. In addition to being brighter and more durable, LED lights are an effective way to save electricity.

A special message from MinETIKS for FinTERZ: Please pay attention to the lighting layout of each room. For example, study rooms may require higher light levels compared to bedrooms.

  1. Customize Power Saving Electronic Equipment

Based on household capacity, choose energy-efficient appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines. Consider the wattage and opt for smaller items such as LED TVs to save up to 50% more.

  1. Turn Off Electronic Devices That are Not Being Used

It's powerful enough to offset electricity bills. Remember to turn off electronics when not in use. Also, don't turn around; you need to watch TV, not sleep on it!

  1. Turn Off The Lights During The Day and Night

Remember to use lights only when necessary and turn them off during the day to use natural light. Opening windows and doors brightens the house and enhances air circulation, keeping it cooler.

During the night, ensure all electronic devices are turned off. To save on electricity, consider turning off some of the leading lights in your home.

  1. Installing Refrigerators and Air Conditioners at the Right Temperature

Setting the right temperature for your refrigerator and air conditioner is important for living more frugally and reducing your electricity bills. Aim to set the air conditioner temperature between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius and adjust it gradually if the room feels too cold.

In addition, refrain from frequently turning the air conditioner on and off as it can consume more electrical power.

  1. Adjust Food to Refrigerator Capacity

Too low and cold temperatures can cause the refrigerator to work harder. Additionally, a too full or empty fridge can also affect its performance.

If you want to save on electricity, it's best to let hot food cool before putting it in the refrigerator, as putting hot food inside can increase electricity consumption.

  1. Reduce Usage Microwave

Heating food with microwaves is more straightforward and practical, making it easier to reduce electricity bills by using steam to cook food because microwaves consume 85-2000 watts of power.

In addition to the ten ways to save electricity and lower your monthly bills mentioned above, you can also reduce the use of electric pumps, use a water dispenser, fix a leaky faucet, and air-dry clothes to reduce the need for ironing.

Don't forget to encourage your family to adopt a more frugal lifestyle now! Need tips and strategies to deal with wasteful living and avoid debt? Find out more here.

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