Your Security is Our Priority

Rest easy knowing your data is safe with our robust security features, the "AES-256" encryption method equivalent to well-known national and international banks and financial applications. FINETIKS works with BRICK, a technology company registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Kominfo for data security, holding ISO: 27001: 2013 certification or meeting international standards in Financial Technology, to keep your data safe and secure. FINETIKS is also supervised by Kominfo.
Finetiks - Logo Kominfo
Finetiks - Logo Brick

Robust Security Technology

Aplikasi Finetiks

Enkripsi Kelas Bank

Aplikasi kami diperkuat dengan enkripsi bank-grade untuk memastikan informasi sensitif kamu terlindungi dari akses tidak sah.

Aplikasi Finetiks

Akses Read-only

Jaga informasi keuangan kamu tetap aman dengan akses read-only (hanya baca), memastikan bahwa perubahan yang tidak sah tidak dapat dilakukan.

Aplikasi Finetiks

Integrasi yang Mulus

Kemitraan kami dengan BRICK meningkatkan experience kamu dalam memantau keuangan, menawarkan beragam pilihan dan fleksibilitas yang besar.

Aplikasi Finetiks

Autentikasi Multifaktor

Login menggunakan PIN dan OTP sebagai proses autentikasi multi faktor untuk menjamin tingkat keamanan tertinggi untuk akun kamu.

Protecting Your Data

Aplikasi Finetiks

No Login Details Stored

FINETIKS no storage policy for bank login details guarantees the safety and security of your information.

Aplikasi Finetiks

Your Data, Your Control

Our smart AI helps you with a plan - personalised based on your profile.

Aplikasi Finetiks

No Data Selling Policy

FINETIKS values your privacy and has a strict policy against selling your personal data to third parties.

Aplikasi Finetiks

No Transfer & Transaction Risk

Our "no money movement" feature eliminates the risk of unauthorized transfers, keeping your funds safe and secure.

FINETIKS is Well Aware of the Importance of Your Data Security

The protection of your information and data is our highest priority. FINETIKS deploys state-of-the-art security measures when handling your information and data.

Finetiks - Sekuritas dan Keamanan
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PT Finetiks Inovasi Indonesia is registered with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo).
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We protect your data with AES-256 encryption.
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The process of transferring data from the server and applications is encrypted.
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Your data is safe and will not be shared.
What authentication methods are available in FINETIKS?
How is the data handling process in FINETIKS?
Does FINETIKS store login data for financial accounts?
What is encryption?
What is BRICK?
See More->

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By staying up-to-date with FINETIKS latest blog posts, you can better understand financial concepts and learn how to make informed financial decisions. The blog covers various topics, including budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, and financial planning.
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