data security

Personal Data Security with ISO27001 Certification

Joselyn Gomulya
Joselyn Gomulya
March 1, 2024
Personal Data Security with ISO27001 Certification

Fear that your data is not safe due to the many cases of data theft such as phishing Or any other cybercrime? Relax, the security of your personal information is our top priority.

Not only prioritizing user convenience, FINETIKS under the auspices of the Indonesian FinTech Association and OJK (Financial Services Authority) also maintains the security of personal data and information in accordance with the international standard, ISO27001 certification.

A person clicking checked button for data security
Image by Freepik

Data Security and Personal Information Cases

The large number of cases of personal information security, especially data theft, is one of the things that we are most concerned about. Citing the Kurious-Katadata Insight Center (KIC) survey, 62.6% of respondents were unsure about cybersecurity, especially data storage.

The above survey is again reinforced by the report of Indonesia Internet Penetration Survey 2024 by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) on the number of personal information security cases, especially data theft experienced by 20.97% of respondents.

After receiving a lot of data hacking information, we become more and more afraid of even overthinking, some personal data and information are simply hacked without any clear answer liability.

Recognizing that the financial sector is becoming the biggest target of attacks is increasing according to the report Phishing Activity Trends Report 4th Quarter 2022, FINETIKS takes swift steps and ensures strong data and personal information security in accordance with international standards, ISO27001 certification.

Never heard of ISO27001? Try to get acquainted first so you know how much potenteIt's a security certification on this one.

What is ISO27001 Information Security Certification?

The ISO27001 information security certification is an internationally recognized standard certification that governs Information Security Management Systems (SMKI), including maintaining the security of personal data and information.

This certification not only ensures security and prevents cybercrimes such as identity theft, malware attacks, or online fraud but also manages the security of company information.

With an international standard certification, ISO27001 certification, the company has carried out effective control in protecting data and information from various risks to security threats.

Continuously, what is the other function of ISO27001 certification besides protecting data and information? Let's read this article to the end so you don't miss any news about data security and personal information.

Role of ISO27001 Data Security Certification

Ensuring and maintaining the security of user data and information is the main role of ISO27001 certification. Of course, ISO27001 certification also has another role in regulating the Information Security Management System as follows:

  • Protecting Personal Data

The role of ISO27001 data security and personal information certification is to protect sensitive data and information. With clear standards, companies can easily identify important assets and information.

In addition, this license also assists FINETIKS in implementing appropriate controls to protect and maintain the confidentiality of both data and information. It can be calmer, the confidentiality of data and personal information is guaranteed to be safe!

  • Safeguarding Data and Information from Threats

Whether it's a cyber attack or a data breach, ISO27001 certification helps companies protect data and information from various threats.

Beyond that scope, the standard also helps protect attacks that are incompatible with integrity or anything related to data confidentiality.

  • Protecting Company Information

Another equally important role of ISO27001 data security certification is to protect all internal company information. That is to say, the company has a firm policy of regulating several things including:

  • Setting up strong passwords for sensitive data and information
  • Protects every enterprise device from various technological threats (malware, viruses, or other software attacks)
  • Perform strong data encryption and regular data backups
  • Control and manage security risks
  • Monitor system and network security
  • Avoiding adverse data and information security incidents
  • Conducting information security training to employees

To be sure, all of the above efforts are made to ensure data security including employees' understanding of how to maintain and avoid data hacking.

  • Maximizing Enterprise Resource Management

Certification of international standards helps companies in maximizing resource management, including by providing training to employees.

In addition to raising awareness of the importance of data and information security, all employees can actively contribute to maintaining existing data and information. So, every employee understands security risks including how to avoid them.

  • Managing Data Effectively and Systematically

Clear data and information security standards are not only helpful to companies in conducting regular evaluations but also the way companies manage information security risks.

The role of ISO27001 data security certification certainly makes it easier for companies to identify various potential threats and take appropriate preventive measures.

In addition to the above 6 roles, receiving an ISO27001 data and information security license is one of the company's forms of compliance with existing regulations, namely the Personal Data Protection Act in Indonesia and the Data Privacy Act such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

FINETIKS Officially Receives ISO27001 Certification

FINETIKS officially obtained the ISO27001 data and information security certification in January 2024. Before receiving certification, each company needs to take and pass several steps to ensure the security of user information.

This ISO27001 certification process is obtained after passing through several stages as follows:

  1. Understand ISO27001 standards in depth by conducting internal training to improve understanding of ISO27001 requirements.
  2. Passing the information security system assessment stage to identify potential security risks.
  3. Develop policies and procedures, including implementing according to ISO27001 standards.
  4. Passed internal audit stage to shut down standards-compliant security systems
  5. Passed the external audit stage carried out by an independent certification body
  6. Received ISO27001 certification from independent certification body

After passing the above stages and officially receiving ISO27001 certification, the company undertakes maintenance and improvement of existing information security systems in accordance with new technologies and risks that are likely to arise in the future.

The more comfortable it is to manage finances with the FINETIKS application, the calmer it is with the guaranteed security of data and personal information. Download the FINETIKS app now App Store nor Google Play.

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