Fresh Graduate

Career Kickoff: 7 Money-Saving Tricks Every New Grad Should Know

Bani Arya
Bani Arya
April 12, 2024
Career Kickoff: 7 Money-Saving Tricks Every New Grad Should Know

Graduation month is almost here. If you've recently graduated and started working, congratulations on your achievements! However, this is just the beginning. Now that you have your own income, especially if you've received your first paycheck, learning how to manage your finances wisely is essential. Remember that your first paycheck can be a great starting point for planning your finances and achieving your dreams at a young age.

Frugal living is a term frequently used by millennials and Gen Z. It is not only about avoiding unnecessary expenses but also about using money sensibly to live a simple yet happy life. Frugality should not be mistaken for difficulty; it is about attaining equilibrium and satisfaction.

This time, FINETIKS expresses gratitude and offers #Finetips: 7 practical ways for beginners or first-time workers to save money.

1. Create a Monthly Budget: Plan your expenses by creating a monthly budget that includes income and regular expenses such as transportation meals, etc. And don't forget to allocate funds for savings.

2. Cut Down on Eating Out: Remember, "Cooking at home is cheaper than eating out." Plan your meals, shop smartly, and avoid fast food when possible.

3. Take Advantage of Promos and Discounts: Use discounts wisely when shopping for daily necessities, but avoid unnecessary purchases just because of a discount.

4. Save on Electricity and Water: Turn off lights and electronic devices when they are not in use. Use water wisely to reduce utility costs.

5. Opt for Public Transportation or Carpooling: Use public transportation or share rides to reduce fuel costs and vehicle maintenance.

6. Prioritize Needs Over Wants: Think twice before buying expensive or unplanned items.

These #Finetips are for all our FINETIKS friends, especially recent college graduates starting their careers. They're applicable even if your salary is still entry-level, so don't be discouraged. With these #Finetips, let's empower our FINETIKS friends to manage their money effectively and #JadiFinter! Are you ready to kickstart your financial journey?

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