FINETIKS is a personal financial management application that helps you record all of your transactions from the whole financial accounts automatically. It's easy to use; you only need to connect all banking accounts, e-wallets, and investment accounts to FINETIKS. Not only that, but FINETIKS also provides an option to record custom transactions through the Manual Account feature.

Principles of Product Design

Partnership AutomationPartnership VisionPartnership Data driven
One View
Data Driven
  • Helping our generation build great financial habits to live financially well.
  • FINETIKS aims to be a platform where its users can access all their finances in a single place, with personal insights to let them control and manage all their financial needs
  • We are building an inclusive community that shares and supports each other on their journey to reach their financial goals and build their financial literacy
  • We believe in open access and partnership with the financial ecosystem to provided our users access to financial products that will help them save, invest, and grow their wealth overtime.

Pioneers behindĀ FINETIKS

Cameron Goh - CEO & Founder Finetiks

Cameron Goh

CEO & Founder
An energetic and dynamic executive with over 20 years of experience at international and multicultural exposure in innovative global consultancy, fintech app, bank, and market infrastructure provider.

Edwin Ardiwinata

CTO & Co-Founder
A strong cross platform and visionary leader with more than 16 years of experience as a technology advisor and software developer in international and multicultural environment.
Edwin Ardiwinata

Unique Selling Point

Partnership SimplicityPartnership All-in-onePartnership Trustworthy


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